New Kitchen Corner Display

February 11, 2012
I have a little corner in my kitchen with a small built in open cupboard that I use for display.

At Christmas time you may remember it was "for the birds".

Then I had a coffee themed vignette after Christmas,

Now with a few recent finds:

Three vintage tin lined copper molds $1 each,

And an old green shutter $18,

And a $5 clearance sale Paris restaurant themed plate,

And with some family photos in red frames, a trusty red star, and an old Red Wing crock with rolling pins that I already had on hand plus remnants of the coffee vignette and the yelloware and crocks below, you have the new corner vignette.

A handy little corner for decorating. I hope you like the changes!



shabby creek cottage

Stuff and Nonsense

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Love each way you have decorated this fabulous display shelf and corner!!
    Very pretty! Love the pics on the walls with the green shutter!!


  2. Great copper molds! Thanks for sharing, I like the coffee station too.

  3. Your vignette looks great! So jealous of your crocks and yelloware!

  4. I agree, I like your vignette too! Wonderful post.

  5. I love your display. That was such a neat coffee themed display, too.

  6. Oh such a beautiful corner. I love all of your primitives, they are just gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. I love your corner choices as well, including your Christmas and coffee decorations as well. Love the star, shutter and tin boxes as well. Great job! : )..

  8. So Pretty. We have similary taste. I've just found your blog, but I'll be back.......since I'm your newest follower. COME FOLLOW ME, too.

  9. Love the addition of the shutter and vintage tins. Your corner is so pretty. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay!

  10. This looks great! I love the crock holding the rolling pins! I'd love if you linked up to my little party:

    Hope to see you there!

  11. Great vintage look! Love the crock and green shutter...and the mixing bowls. Wish I still had my old mixing bowls. Those copper molds are a great find, too.


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