Recent Consignment Shop Purchases

August 20, 2013
I haven't written a thrifting post for a while so I decided it was high time.

First of all I purchase this four piece vintage, ceramic canister set with wood lids for $6.  I like the grape and pear theme, and they will be showing up very soon on my early fall mantel.

I purchased these three ceramic deer for $3.  I'm sure they were made in Japan.  Kitschy, quirky and perfect with my other vintage Christmas collections.

The rooster and hen are ceramic and marked Lugene's made in Japan.  They have a very antique appearance, and a orange rust color that may work for fall.  $4.

I started out collecting only vintage ceramic pug figurines but I pick up other breeds now too. $3.

I picked up this little graniteware funnel for $8 at an antique shop.  You never know, I may want to make another funnel Christmas Tree.

And lastly a $2 West Bend Ring mold.  Perfect for a succulent planter.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Scotties are very popular. You were lucky to find that for only $3. And isn't that a cool ring mold. Looks really heavy duty! Great finds.

  2. Oh wow, what fabulous finds. I especially love the canister set. Hugs, Marty

  3. You found some good stuff girl! I love those little deer and always have loved your funnel tree!

  4. Wow Carlene, you found many little treasures. Good for you!


  5. Great thrifted finds! I just did a post on my thrifted finds tonight and did another one a few days ago. ;-)

    I love your 3 little deer...they're so pretty, I'd want to leave them out year-round!

  6. I LOVE the cute little ceramic deer! If you ever want to sell them. . .
    : )

    I also love that funnel tree! What a great idea!

  7. Love the little deer set. And, the Christmas tree funnel- so ingenious!

  8. I love it all .. The Scotties were my fave.. TOO CUTE

  9. How did I miss the Scottie the first time around? He is cute!


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