Decorating for Fall with Vintage Collectibles

September 12, 2013
While some of my fall decorating is on hold until real pumpkins are available here locally, I have put together an over the kitchen sink vintage display.

On the far right, I have an old granite ware coffee pot with a faux apple and flower spray.

On the far left, I placed two vintage thermoses.

In the center are the faux caramel apples I made last year, and a vintage wooden Chinese Checkerboard in painted with fall colors.  I tell you how I made the faux caramel apples here.

The display all comes together here.

How about you?  Have you started fall decorating?  Can you find real pumpkins?

Update:  This vignette has already been changed up a bit.  I just couldn't get used to the paper towel not being on the shelf so I moved the thermoses.

LOL!  Sometimes practicality trumps design!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. That's lovely! Gave me some great ideas. :-)

  2. What a fun and adorable vignette. I love this idea. Those apples are the cutest. Hugs, Marty

  3. Your apples look real but that said those are the ones I need as I would eat the real ones. No real pumpkins here as it is hot still. No fall decorations much. We do have some owls at the booth and a few faux pumpkins. Which are selling so people are ready for fall I suppose. xo, olive

  4. Aren't those faux Carmel Apples so fun to make. I made some a couple of years ago. No real pumpkins around here yet either.


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