More Rustic Autumn Vignettes

September 20, 2013
On one of my first thrifting trips after Christmas, this vintage wooden bowl wheelbarrow was one of my finds.

I paid $2 for it, and it was marked Woodcroftery.  That post was here.

I really haven't used it yet, so I decided to spray paint it a dark orange for use this fall.  

I sanded it down a bit on the edges and rubbed a stain over it to tone it down.  Here it is with Spanish moss and gourds and placed it on my crock table outside.

I also brought my raisin crate inside today and cleaned it up, and then rubbed a little coconut oil on it to warm up the wood.  I recently rubbed coconut oil into my vintage wooden kitchen utensils on a post here.

I added raffia to the box.

A vintage Kiltie plaid jug.

Also a rustic lantern filled with gourds.

 More gourds, mini pumpkins and Indian corn.

Here the vignette is on my kitchen table.

But it easily moves to the deacon's bench in the foyer to bring fall color to the entrance.

How is your fall decorating coming?

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. The raisin crate looks spectacular with its fall decor. I like it wherever you use it!

  2. Love the vintage wooden bowl wheelbarrow and the crate with Fall dé pretty!!


  3. Gorgeous clutter..LOL....pinning. Christine from Little BRags

  4. My Fall decorating is coming along, slowly, but it looks like you're on a roll. Love the little wheelbarrow bowl..great color.

  5. Looks great Carlene! I'm way behind on fall stuff. Thanks for the inspirational push!

  6. Kathe with an E sent me and oh my gosh, your blog is better than Pinterest!

    Can't wait to look more.
    Your newest fan and a fellow Minnesotan.


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