A Framing Project with Vintage Lartz Photo Mounting Corners

November 02, 2013
Today I am using another of the photo gallery quality frames that I purchased at a consignment shop, here.  This one was $4.

It is a really nice frame.  It has a lot of detail, a rich warm wood tone, an inset of fabric, and a stripe of black paint.

It was also lightly distressed already so I didn't distress this one, but I did touch up some scuff marks with Old English polish with scratch cover.

I measured the opening.

Then cut a piece of cardboard to fit the opening snugly.

I then cut a piece of quilted fabric the same size as the cardboard.

I brushed on a coat of Mod Podge and attached the material.  

I found these Lartz "Easy-Mounts" Fine Art Photo Mounting Corners in a an old box of family photos I had here.  I was looking for a project to use them on.

I positioned the corners on an old photo mounted on cardstock of my great-grandparents' wedding.  I taped the corners to the back of the cardstock (the photo was already on the vintage cardstock) with a small piece of tape so they wouldn't move.  I put a dab of Aleene's tacky glue on each back corner, and eyeballed the placement.  (If you want it exact you can measure). The photo is being held in place by four dabs of glue, one in each corner.  I placed a few heavy books on the photo corners until morning.  

Then I put the cardboard with photo, fabric and corners into the back opening of the frame.  I added a saw tooth picture hanger just in case I want to hang it.

 Here's the frame on my mantel.  I think I will eventually incorporate it into a vintage family photo gallery wall.

I like the way it turned out.  The frame was a great find, and the black photo corners and quilted fabric add a vintage feel to the framing.

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. That's a winner for sure! It turned out beautiful! Was that an old quilt you used? It is stunning and so vintage with the photo corners attached...they really put it over the top. How do you come up with these fantastic ideas? Do you see something else first? Do you have an idea before you buy your items? Or do you sit down with your "treasures" and just spend time thinking how oyu can utilize them? I'm just curious how creative people operate because I'd like to be one some day! LOL! Great project!

    1. Actually, it is a discontinued fabric sample from the furniture store I work at. I get inspired by others. Usually not just one person. I never find the exact items someone else used while thrifting so I change the idea to fit what I can find.

  2. You come up with the greatest ideas! I love the corners....I remember using them!!

  3. What a wonderful way to show family photos. Love this idea

  4. I love those old photo corners, and a grouping of old photos on a gallery wall would look great in your home, Carlene! They make reproduction corners (probably for scrapbooking) and I used them for one of our daughter's wedding book. I like the vintage look of them, too.

  5. What a wonderful photo to have! It's in such great shape, too.
    I love your idea.....the frame and mounting are just perfect for the photo!
    Another great idea from Carlene! Thanks for sharing....

  6. Looks wonderful, Carlene! You find the neatest treasures!

  7. I love how this turned out! I might try this myself! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. That looks so pretty Carlene! Guess I won't run out and look for Lartz, but I'm sure there are some of another brand around!

  9. I love the vintage photo corners Carlene. I have some old ones, but these have a very unique shape. Looks great on the fabric background! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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