A "Re-Purposed" Christmas Tree - Crystal Salt & Pepper Shakers

November 05, 2013
In case you haven't been following along here, I have challenged myself to decorate my Christmas tree with all re-purposed items this year.

To bring you up to speed, you have missed...

Re-purposed Christmas Ornaments:
1.  Zinc Jar Lids
2.  Teaspoons
3.   Ice Cream Scoop

Today, Christmas tree ornament number four in my challenge is a re-purposed set of crystal salt and pepper shakers with silver plate covers and tray.  I have had this little set for sale in a consignment shop for over a year.  No takers.

I purchased these crystal prisms for $5 at Menard's.

I only needed one prism for this project so the cost of this project is $4.  A hole was drilled in each end of the tray.

I removed the gold metal clips and added silver colored jewelry rings.

 The I glued the crystal salt and pepper shakers by their sides to the tray with E6000, and let it dry overnight.  A ribbon was threaded through the top hole.

 Here is my re-purposed crystal salt & pepper shaker ornament hanging from an evergreen in my yard.

More ornaments to come!!!!!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Very cute. Can't wait to see the tree all filled up with your re-purposes this year!

  2. Cute! I love those little salt and pepper shakers!

  3. Bonjour,

    Une manière très original de décorer un sapin... j'ai hâte de le voir vêtu de ses beaux ornements.
    Gros bisous

  4. I can also see the shakers hanging alone and the tray with a crystal hanging on it without the shakers! Lots of ideas with those 3 pieces!

  5. This is my favorite so far! I would have never thought of that in a million years!

  6. Love this! I have little metal custard type cups I am going to redo but they are fairly deep so can't decide what to put inside them. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. Carlene,
    You are the queen of repurpose beautiful ornaments. I love this idea with the crystals. Just gorgeous.

  8. I love the little s&p and they make such a cute ornament. Enjoying your creativity!

  9. So classy looking--I love the little silver tray! Wonder if the kids would allow me to do all repurposed ornaments...

  10. OMGOODNESS ..YOUR one of those people ...LOL YOU know the ones ...WHO can make Fabulous out of anything. >> YOU my friend are the reason I blog.. I need people like you to keep ME inspired. NOW thanks to you I am on a hunt for salt and pepper blingy things .. LOVE It girl ...LOVE LOVE LOVE

  11. I swear, woman...you are so good at this. This is just precious and I wouldn't have thought of it in a hundred years.
    Hope you will come to my NEW blog, bj-sweetnothings.blogspot.com
    and visit and follow me....again. I lost control of my old blog and lost over 1700 followers...I am sooo sad. My old blog is still there, thank goodness....and I have SEARCH on the blog, so I can still pull up old posts...(EVERYone should put that feature on their blog)....but when I changed email address, for some reason, I no longer can get into my blog.

  12. So cute Carlene! I have that same little S&P shaker set and a package of crystals. Hmmmm, wondering if I might need to make one. Your tree will be fabulous!

  13. Brilliant! I love old salt and pepper shakers. Thank you for the inspiration

  14. Very pretty...love it!! I want to find some stuff to make one for my Christmas tree.

  15. Now that is really clever. Pretty too.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  16. Fabulous repurposing idea! I have that same little tray and repurposed it too. Love how you kept the S & P shakers with it!!

  17. Oh my goodness how cute is this...LOVE! Would like to invite you to come by and share at One More time Events http://www.onemoretimeevents.com/2013/11/dessert-display-with-flour-sack.html. So cleaver! Tammy

  18. I LOVE this idea! So cute and clever! I have one salt shaker like that. . .didn't realize it came with another one and a little tray. I will be on the look out for the rest of it! You are so creative!


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