Too Easy Vintage Wooden Purse Handle Re-purpose

January 09, 2014
Here is an easy peasy, $3, consignment shop purchase re-purpose!

1. Purchase a set of vintage wooden purse or fabric bag handles.

2.  Fold a freshly ironed dishtowel.

3.  Thread folded towel through the long slit on the handle.

4.  Hang on a nail or hook and enjoy!

(Or, you could always make another purse!)

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I like your idea better! It's a great one!

  2. Such a cute, quick idea! Love it.
    Adina @ Simply Country Life

  3. What a great idea - thanks so much. Hope your staying warm.

  4. Wow what a great idea. I have passed these up as I didn't have a purse in mind to make using them. Next time I am buying them!

  5. Cute and clever, once again! I think I have 2 of these someone gave me in a box of stuff. Now where did I put them????

  6. Cute idea Carlene ... you are so clever.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  7. I thought you were making a purse!!! Was I surprised! So cute!

  8. such a cute idea.

  9. That is a great idea. My mom does embroidery work on tea towels and I think it would be lovely to display some of her tea towels.

  10. I gave some of these away a few months ago! Darn it.

  11. Very cute. I love how you post the beginning on facebook and it intrigues me to see what you have come up with for your projects! I am glad I found your site!


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