A New Kitchen Wall Display

February 28, 2014
My new kitchen wall vignette begins with a board...

This old piece of tongue and groove barn wood, specifically.  I got it free from my sign painter friend Jodi, of Mann Made Signs.  Jodi paints great signs on barnwood.  

I washed down the old board and then coated it with water based poly.  Next I added three mismatched hooks.

I oiled down all of the breadboards and the little slicer with coconut oil to bring out the warm wood tones and grain.

I added my chippy step stool along with a chippy pastry blender to the left side of the vignette.

I reused the green shutter, and hung the Bon Appetit sign at the top of the arrangement.  

I have changes in progress on the other kitchen walls as well, and I will post a full kitchen reveal when I'm all done.  

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Savvy Southern Style
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. So cute! I love the use of so many unexpected items.
    Adina @ Simply Country Life

  2. Beautiful cutting boards Carlene!

  3. Love everything about your new kitchen wall display!!

  4. Looks great, Carlene! I love all the cutting boards hanging like that.

  5. Beautiful! So glad to hear someone else finds beauty in a simple piece of board. Can't wait to see your other walls too :)



  6. Looking good! You've got some nice pieces.

  7. Nice change, Carlene! I love the cutting boards hung from the barn board!

  8. Your kitchen is coming along nicely! I love your display of cutting boards and that ladder is so cute! Looking forward to the rest Carlene.

  9. I love this and how you use your cutting boards for display. So creative and interesting. Hugs, Marty

  10. That is a great look! I love the look of old wood - all of the tones in the old breadboards are just beautiful!

  11. I absolutely love this, Carlene! Will be pinning. :-)

  12. Carlene I love this display. OK I'm in love with old wood bread boards, so it's fairly easy to get my attention with a wall display featuring them, but the fact that is actually started with a piece of old barn wood given to you from your friends makes it all that much more lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Carlene,
    This is just awesome. I love what you did. I love all your wood boards. They are gorgeous.

  14. Looking good Carlene ... love the display of bread boards. I want one of the big round ones, but never see them much. I have plans to cut one out of one of my big cutting boards, but still don't think it is big enough.
    Thanks for always inspiring us with your decorations.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  15. Love the breadboards. I was just shopping in St. Simon's Island, GA for some breadboards but came home empty handed. I think I will check Etsy and Ebay for them......

  16. I am all about the shutters right now! Great job. I would love for you to share on my Chic By You Link Party @ http://chicbytab.blogspot.ca/2014/03/chic-by-you-wednesday-link-party-2.html. Hope to see you there!

  17. I love your kitchen decor! The vignette you put together is so perfect. Beautiful...
    I saw you sharing at Knick of Time.
    Debbie :)

  18. I just love everything about this, the color, the ladder, the arrangement of the cutting boards. Very well done.
    Dawn @ We Call It Junkin.com
    History & Home link party, Tue-Fri, weekly


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