Framed Vintage Kitchen Ware

October 02, 2014
Last March I painted a section of my kitchen wall with chalkboard paint.  I thought it would be fun to fill the wall with cooking verbs but I think I overdid it.  At any rate, I needed to change it up.

First off, I used the white frame on the wall to frame some vintage kitchen items.

I also added an old scale, pewter pitcher, basket of enamelware lids, berry stomper, grease canister, and coffee tin to the counter and moved the kraut cutter down.

I also hung a cutting board, and my faux grain sack picture frame with an old photo of my great grandma's family.  

The bottom cubbies stayed pretty much the same.  I like this much better!

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I love the organized clutter if you call it that. The piece of wood that the rolling pins are on is great, the wood and the pins! What a sweet little corner with all kinds of fun things.

  2. that is what I call creative....super job!!!!! PINNING Amiga

  3. How cute! What a ingenious way to show off all of those neat old vintage pieces out where you can enjoy them.


  4. What an awesome way to display your treasures! I love EVERYTHING! A definite share!

  5. Interesting displays Carlene ... especially love the breadboard with the number 6 and the "berry stomper" with the green handle.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  6. Great display Carlene. I agree with Audrey--I love the cutting board with the number 6. Did you do that yourself? Love it!


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