A President's Day Vintage Vignette

February 06, 2014
I bet you don't decorate for President's Day.  I have a small collection of presidential memorabilia that I have just put out on display in my living room in honor of President's Day.

I started a President's Day vignette with a wooden crate turned upside down on my coffee table.

Next I added a pair of Abraham Lincoln gold plaster bookends.  I just purchased these yesterday thrifting for $4.

Next I added four old books "Kennedy", "The Boys of '76", "Boyhood Adventures of Our Presidents" and "The Life and Selected Writings of Jefferson".

Then I propped a vintage framed Teddy "Roosevelt Creed" against the books.

Next a "Carter/Mondale" campaign button, Eisenhower silver dollars,

And a "Roosevelt" campaign button (that was my dad's, all on a scrabble tile wooden holder).

Lastly, I added a vintage Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building vintage souvenir thermometers, mainly to balance out the vignette.

Also on display for February is my George Washington flow blue plate.

I am displaying this plate with other blue and white transfer ware on a wall in the living room.

Also this plate of the all the presidents through John F. Kennedy.

I added it to my portrait plate wall also in the living room.

I hope you enjoyed my small collection of presidential collectibles!

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. These are great! I don't think I've ever seen most of these before! Such historical treasures! Love the blue collection. It's my favorite!

  2. What a fun and very educational collection!

  3. Oh boy how my hubby would love this. We have lots of presidential stuff too but have not thought of making a holiday vignette out of it. I adore it.

  4. What a great couple of vignettes! I don't think I have one presidential item and you were able to rustle up all of this?? Awesome!

  5. As a librarian who must "weed" old books as a matter of course to make room for new ones, I'm glad to see you make good use of some older books. Would love to share this on a library post on Facebook for other librarians to see, with your permission. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Great collections Carlene and so well displayed.
    Love all the portrait plates.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  7. It is fantastic. I have a presidential plate and I don't remember who is the last president.

  8. Those books are wonderful! You have all the luck.

  9. Nice job, and what a great way to honor our Presidents.


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