My Multi-Talented Junkin' Friend Jodi

July 18, 2014
On any given day, this could be the scene in my friend Jodi's garage.  On this particular day, Jodi  photographed her 300+ signs, that she prepared in just two weeks for the Fargo Junk Market.   Mann Made Signs are rustic wood signs painted up in all colors and fonts for literally ALL occasions, subjects and people.


Below are some examples of Jodi's rustic signs:

And here are examples of Jodi's specialty signs:
Reclaimed wood scrap Love sign.

This Welcome sign, painted on a cream colored cabinet door with fabulous metal corners, is a personal favorite of mine. 

A window sign with a great message.

Scrabble Tile Square Sign.

Sign on my deck!

These are some of Jodi's furniture creations:
A two toned square table with four bright chairs!  This set is currently for sale at No Place Like Home Again.

This great mission style buffet is currently for sale in Jodi's shop as well.

This primitive bead cabinet is one of Jodi's favorites.

The cabinet is currently for sale at No Place Like Home Again.

More of Jodi's past projects:

Standing door mirror!

Some of my very favorite junk is from Jodi's shop:
My potting sink.

My old barn door. (and the sign too!)

These great old wagon boards.

And this fun dilapidated table too!

Mann Made Signs will be at the following shows this fall (2014):

Tall Timber Days in Grand Rapids, MN on Aug 2&3
JunkFest in Carrington, ND on Sept 6
JunkMarket in Fargo, ND on Sept 19 & 20
East Grand Craft show in East Grand Forks, MN on Oct 4&5
Festive Flea in Fargo, ND on Nov1&2
Vintage Carnival in Thief River Falls, MN on Nov 15

You can find Jodi's furniture transformations Monday thru Saturday 10-5 here at No Place Like Home Again.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Love her signs and furniture projects..........great colors!
    The Shit Creek survivor sign is too funny!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I want to come live with Jodi ♥♥

  3. I like signs! I love reading all the variety. When I'm anywhere near a booth or vendor that has greeting cards, I could stand there all day and read them. I laughed at the s--t creek sign. made me think of my mother in law...she called it SALT CREEK... LOL!
    ...she'd say Bull Fat! that lady cracked me up, with some of the things she said. I could probably make a stack of signs just of her sayings.

  4. Hi Carlene, Jodi is amazing; just like you! Thanks for introducing us to her. Love, love that chippy beadboard cupboard! Wish I lived close. Her signs are super cute. Love the coin laundry!

  5. Oh your friend Jodi is so talented! I know you've mentioned her signs before, but it was sure nice to see some of her other stuff!

  6. This is soooo inspiring. Thank you for all the great ideas.


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