A "Re-Purposed" Christmas Tree - Vintage Jello Molds

November 09, 2013
Continuing my series on "re-purposed" Christmas tree ornaments, today I remade Jello molds.

First an individual star Jello mold, (used in my Kitchen Fairy Garden  last summer)

And next an individual Jello mold ring.  (I sort of hate to use my white buttons.  I use them in jars all the time in vignettes and love them.)

I first scanned the star on my scanner at about 60% of the original size and cut out the pattern.

Next I used the pattern to cut out a star from a vintage Gospel songbook.

I drilled a small hole in the outside tip of each star point.

Then I decoupaged the song sheet star onto the middle of the star.  I used jewelry rings to attach small silver Christmas balls.

The top hole on the star got a ribbon hanger.

 That's the Jello star mold ornament.

First on the Jello mold ring, I hot glued a row of large white buttons on the top of the jello mold.  

*****Update*****  I would attach the first row of buttons with E6000, and the subsequent rows of buttons with a hot glue gun.  I dropped the ornament and the button wreath loosened from the mold.  The hot glue holds button to button just fine but metal to button.  I added some E6000 under the wreath of buttons.)

Then a row of smaller white and off white buttons on top of the large ones.

Continue with row three and four rows of smaller buttons.  Fill in any gaps, and remove the hot glue strings.

Then I added a thin white ribbon for a tree hanger and a wider ribbon for a wreath bow.

Hot glue the wider ribbon bow on the bottom of the button wreath.

The button Jello ring turned out like this!

So adding this post to my previous re-purposed ornaments in this series, in case you missed any:

Re-purposed Christmas Ornaments:
1.  Zinc Jar Lids
2.  Teaspoons
3.   Ice Cream Scoop
4.    Crystal Salt & Pepper Shakers

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. Very cool, Carlene!
    I really need to get busy with Christmas ideas...

  2. These are really cute! Love the star so much!!! I'm enjoying your creativity very much!

  3. What cute ideas...I just "inherited" some of the molds :)


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