A "Re-Purposed" Christmas Tree - Miniature Listerine Bottle

November 12, 2013
I hope you like my re-purposed ornament series.  Today I re-purposed a miniature Listerine bottle.

I looped the wire on one end and wrapped the wire around the neck of the bottle under the rim.  I threaded the other end through the loop, formed a loop handle and twisted the wire around and under until it was secure.  I kind of went by instruction on how to wire a Mason jar but I wanted the loop in back not over the center.  Instructions to add a wire handle to a Mason jar are all over the internet.

 Next I filled the bottle half full of mica snow, and added a snippet from a faux berry sprig.

 Easy and inexpensive, and I think "cute".

That's my Listerine bottle ornament.

The other re-purposed ornaments in the series:

Re-purposed Christmas Ornaments:
1.  Zinc Jar Lids
2.  Teaspoons
3.   Ice Cream Scoop
4.   Crystal Salt & Pepper Shakers

5.   Jello Mold Ornaments
6.   Anthropologie Inspired Shakers

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Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I love all of your work so much. YOU are a ball of talent too sister. I have so many talented blogging friends. YOU all just keep me inspired. Thank you

  2. Very cute! I never would have thought of this!

  3. Very very cute and adorable! You have such great ideas.

  4. Adorable... I've never seen one of these wee old bottles. Love it. Wonder if Santa keeps one in his vest pocket to keep his breath fresh?

  5. You're on a roll! Really brightens up the tree with the white snow and berries. I was at Walmart and saw some snowball sized styrofoam balls and snatched them up as I want to make the snowballs you did last year. I hope the directions are on your blog here somewhere else I'll have to wing it and that could get ugly!

  6. Look at you! You make the cutest things! Love this!

  7. I think it's cute too! I love the wispiness of the little vine berries! And of course you know I love the snow!

  8. I am really enjoying all of these adorable and creative ornament ideas! Thank you so much for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  9. I am loving all of your creative ornaments Carlene. They are fantastic.



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